Installation Instructions
- Prior to Binzebo construction, complete all necessary foundation work for your desired outcome. A concrete slab is recommended, but not necessary. Crushed stone or river pebbles make a nice floor for some settings and should be placed after construction.
- Begin by finding the location of each post. to do this, assemble the ring of the Binzebo (curved panels) with at least four temporary bolts at each connection. If your Binzebo is on a concrete slab, skip the next step.
- If your Binzebo is not on a concrete slab, now that the ring is assembled, you can easily identify the location of each post inside of the ring. Dig holes between 18 and 24 inches deep. Also, ensure that post holes are between 10 and 14 inches in diameter. If your Binzebo is not on a concrete slab, skip the next step.
- For Binzebos on a slab, simply lay post brackets on the ground next to the ring where you want the posts located and install the supplied anchors.
- After placing each post add a diagonal brace from the post to a stake driven securely into the ground on at least two sides.
- Once all posts are placed and braced properly, disassemble the partially assembled ring and reassemble it on a flat space. Install all bolts, but do not tighten.
- Install the cap attachment bracket around the top of the ring. These brackets supply the mounting holes for each roof panel.
- With one person holding the center cap ring, another person installs the first roof panel and another roof panel directly across from the first.
- Once the center ring is free standing, install the remaining roof panels. Make sure not to tighten the bolts.
- Once all the major pieces are assembled, go back and tighten all the bolts.
- Using a reach lift, crane, or front end loader of adequate size, lift the Binzebo fromĀ the center with adequate rigging.
- Once the Binzebo is on the posts in proper positioning, install the provided lag screws and remove lift rigging.
- Install top cap with provided self tapping screws. All that's left is to decorate the new addition to your home!
* Free installation consultation upon delivery. For specific questions, contact Kyle Elliot (409) 238-1538